bringing back the blog
/i’m going through all my old blog posts that i have on a hidden page on my site. i decided i actually want to un-hide some of them because they’re good. so, i’m bringing them outta hiding and i’m going to start adding more.
here’s what you can expect for this iteration:
music, music, and more music. duh. (analysis of songs; mine and not mine, sharing of faves etc.)
videos, audios, written word - i like it all
songwriting tutorial videos ( bts of my songwriting process and before and afters of songs)
creativity tips and tricks to help stay motivated
meditation or thoughts about my spiritual journey
promotion of my courses and services so you know about all the ways you can get my support
puns. lots and lot of puns
anything specific you’d like me to riff on? let me know in the comments.
and don’t forget to sign up to get 5 songwriting prompts to get you started writing, like now:) not a songwriter? cool! go here to check out ways we can work together.
All my music and love,