"Not the One" from my Live-stream 3.31.2021

Let’s face it. No one sits down to watch 45 minute shows anymore. Do they? do you?
I had so much fun playing a longer set the other night put on by @wearecatcall and @imperfectfifth but when I was editing it, I thought to myself “the chances of someone watching this whole thing in one sitting, is very very slim.”
and so I broke up my set into individual songs. pretty brilliant right? ;)
This is the first song of the night. “Not the One”. It’s still a favorite of mine to play and I have so many people tell me it's their favorite as well. It’s available on Spotify and iTunes (for purchase! remember when people used to buy music?)
I’ll release the rest of the videos one at a time so that the chances of you seeing them, are even just a bit higher.
Happy Friday and happy weekend
“You can’t hide me from the shining sun. You’re not the one”