And the Award Goes to....

Hi beautifuls, It's a rainy day here in NYC and all I want to do is stay in bed! It doesn't seem to end here with all the weather.

But amongst the rain there is definitely a rainbow because one of my songs from "Song in Your Box" won an award! It didn't place as a finalist but it got a runner's up award and I am extremely proud.

It really just goes to show that you have to write and write and write to get to the gold:) The song "Castle" was week 51. My second to last song!

You can check out the page and the award here.

The version I sent was one I recorded at home with just guitar and vocals. It's a testament to "if you don't play the game, you won't win." I sent it in last minute with not much thought to it. So I was pleasantly surprised to receive the honor.

If you want access to the song, click the button below so I can know where to send it!

Send me the song!

In other news, I've also begun to teach song- writing. Whether you have songs that need fixing, or just an idea you need flushed out, I am here to help. I also will listen to your songs and offer honest feedback.

I am offering half-off my sessions for only $25 so it's a real steal! Go check out my availability and sign up for a lesson now:) I really am so excited to help you with your writing.

I guess that about does for this week. Not too shabby huh?

Of course I always love to hear from you so let me know what you think!

In music and love, Dana