Evolution of a Song-Week Six

(A tree at Fort Greene Park that I played under)

Week Six-"If I want to Cry"

The Evolution of this song is much like the evolution of a lot of my songs. Basically I play and play until it feels right!:) Haha. Although I'm half -joking there is definitely a truth to that. I had the lyrics and melody for the chorus on my recorder so I started playing along with the guitar. I really liked the melody and the words and the general idea of the song. Basically, just that sometimes you need to cry and "you won't stop until you're through."

Then I added in the verse and kept at it until I found lyrics that I thought worked best. I'm changing them and singing them in the shower up until the last minute:) I'm sure I'll come up with even better ones in the shower next time and I'll just have to change it when I perform it out. I like that about writing songs. They're done when the creator says they're done and until then, it's still evolving:) That's also why I titled the blogs "Evolution of a song". There certainly is an "evolving nature" to them.

So do you want to hear "If I want to Cry"? You know what to do! Jump on that list! And as always, please let me know what you think about it! I've gotten such great feedback and some awesome constructive insight and I welcome more of it:)

Thanks as always for listening!

Love love,
