Song in Your Box, Week Twenty-Nine

(view from my front steps in Philly)

Week Twenty-Nine-"Devil on My Shoulder"-

The snow has turned to rain and now it is muddy and sloshy in the streets of New York. But I gotta say-I'm not hating the winter! Is that crazy? I mean, sure it's cold, and sometimes painful, but there's also something nice about staying indoors, drinking red wine, and looking forward to spring/summer. I thought I was going to be a lot more miserable in the cold, but I'm doing OK:)

So this week was a crazy week. Two of my 4 shows got cancelled because of the "storm" (Philly only got 2 inches btw) but I got to have some quality (i.e.drinking) time with my mom which was lovely as always. That meant I had more time to write music than I thought I would.

This song, "Devil on my Shoulder", is about hearing that devil voice in your head, and what you do about it. Do you listen? Ignore? Fight? Who is the voice? You? Your "evil" friend? Your  boy/girlfriend? I think it's interesting when you start noticing that voice and realizing that you have a choice to either listen or not...but then you have to deal with the consequences.

It's a topic we can all relate to. Do you listen? Do you even hear it? Hopefully the devil on YOUR shoulder isn't too vengeful.

Thanks as always for listening,

