Evolution of a Song-Week Fourteen

Week Fourteen-The Lonely One

Oh, I love it when songs are like this. Or really I love it when I love songs like this. It's not all the time, so when it is, it is truly one of the best feelings. Singing your own song, playing it over and over again to noone but your two cats (well my roommates' two cats)... just can't be beat.

I think one of the biggest fears that most artists of any nature have is that their best work is already behind them. It's kind of the worst feeling. That's a huge part of doing a project like this. I am celebrating the first quarter (13 songs!) and there are moments when I'm like "I've probably written my best songs so why I am continuing?"

But I continue because this is what I do and I love it and then I get a song like this week's song that just feels good all over.

This song came about pretty fast. I had to write 2 songs this week because of CMJ last week so I guess it just poured out of me. Sunday night after work, I came home, danced around my living room (last week's song was pretty true to form:) and played my guitar for a couple hours.

This song's verse came right away and then I figured out the chorus and the bridge came last. Sometimes I don't know what the song is about until I sit down and write out the lyrics. I'd really like to try having an idea beforehand but I find that even when I do, the song changes into something I hadn't planned. Look at me, practicing my "go with the flow" attitude:)

So without further ado, here is "The Lonely One". I just finished the video for it and I think it's a better quality than previous ones.

Love love love,


p.s. I have some exciting news! I am making some songs from Song in Your Box public! So you can check out The Lonely One here. Tell me what you think in the comments below or on my youtube channel:)