Evolution of a Song-Week Fifteen

(my new best friend Miss Cleo. She is always in my lap)

Week Fifteen-Living in a Dream

NYC and the east coast really took a beating from Sandy last week. I feel fortunate that my roomies and I were unscathed. We live in Clinton Hill and like the name implies we are on a hill and thus elevated enough that there was no flooding. We even had power the whole time. It makes me so grateful and I send my thoughts and prayers out to those who are still dealing with the aftermath.

I just joined a song-writing circle online where we get a word or phrase that we have to incorporate into a song. I've been in groups like that before but it never really worked that well for me.

This time I decided to give it a try. I wrote this song way faster than the one I was working on for this week. So I went with this one. That's how it happens sometimes. And of course, it is stuck in my head and I am giddy with love over it. There is truly no better feeling than writing a song you love.

Can you guess what the phrase or word is? Leave a comment below with what you think it is! And if you like the song, "like it", share it with your friends and sign up for my list! Thanks in advance....

All my listening love! Dana

Living in a Dream-Song in Your Box Week 15 by songinyourbox