My most Pop-y song


I love pop music. There I said it. It’s something I would have had a lot of shame admitting at one point. But a good, catchy pop song? Oh, it just makes me feel so good. 🎉

Years ago, when I was obsessed with Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream album, I would think to myself “I want to write a song like ‘Last Friday Night’”. There was something about that guitar sound and production that really got me fired up (producer, Max Martin, is my favorite of all time).

In my guitar lesson one week, I told my teacher that I wanted to write a pop song like that. My lesson turned into “actively listening” to the song and writing down all the elements we heard: the bass drum, the warped fuzzy synth, the kick drum etc.

After that, the idea was to imitate those elements while making it my own.

It was a great lesson for me all around. “Last Friday Night” only uses 4 chords, so I only used 4 chords in “Weekend” , which was a challenge for me at that time. The lyrics weren’t particularly deep or meaningful. Which was also a challenge for me. You’d be surprised how hard writing a good pop song can be!

The song that I ended up writing with my teacher, Tim, is a song called “Weekend” that by no means is as epic as “Last Friday Night” but is my poppiest of poppy songs that we had a blast writing and then recording in the studio.

Without further ado, here is “Weekend”.

What’s your favorite pop song? I know you have at least 1!

All my pop-y love,