Evolution of a Song-Week Sixteen

(yeah it snowed last week-cool shot of it on a tree:)

Week Sixteen-"It's Not True"

Sweeeeet Sixteen. What a nice number. Today I played all 15 songs on my guitar (there's one on the piano) and it was interesting to see how much I remembered and also how much I didn't remember. A few of the songs, I had to go back and listen to because I forgot how to play them. I almost didn't remember writing them! But it was a fun exercise and I'm going to do it more often. Imagine when I have 52...that will be a loooong practice;)

So this week is one of those that I struggled with a bit. I LOVE the chorus so much and had a few ideas about the verse but none of them worked.

Confession time: I am obsessed with the show "Nashville". It's a show that takes place, yeah you guessed it,  in Nashville.  The thing I like  most about it is the music. To be honest the last few episodes were more focused on the drama and less interesting but as this is not a review of the show, suffice it to say, it inspired me to the point that I said "I'm going to write a Country Song!".

This song, is not a Country song but it started as an attempt and was inspired by one of the characters from the show. I wanted to write a song from the point of view of one of the characters (oddly enough a man in the show). If I was "Deacon" what would I say in a song?

Well, that gave me lots of problems. And it brought up many other questions. Like, can I write a song about something I haven't experienced? I mean, I think I have before but mostly, I think I (you) write from experience.

In any case, it's something I'm going to explore. Since I was having such a hard time writing from the point of Deacon, I thought maybe it was because I'm not a man, and so I changed it to the point of view from the woman in the show. But I didn't connect with it either.

So this is a non-counrty song from my point of view. A Dana Song. A Song in Your Box.

Put on your headphones and listen! And of course, if you like it, share it with your friends, leave a comment, post it on FB and twitter and just share the love!

All my Dana love,

Dana Song in Your Box- Week 16: It's Not True by songinyourbox